Tag: marketing
New Reviews!
Moon Affirmations has its first review on Amazon! Barbara Ardinger read and reviewed it. She is a wonderful writer and the author of Pagan Every Day and Secret Lives of Crones. Her website is http://www.barbaraardinger.com/.
Secret Past has two wonderful reviews on Amazon! Both people gave it a five stars! I’m very excited about that.
Marketing is my most time consuming task right now. I spend a lot of time sending out press releases saying my books have come out. I send out review copies. It is a lot but I try to do some each day. At this point I’ve had small successes – Barbara’s review being one of them.
I don’t have a huge budget so I can’t afford an ad in national magazines to advertise my books. These are costly in the realm of hundreds of dollars per issue. As I was looking for places to put my ads, I discovered one publication wanted $300. Since I don’t make a lot on any of the books, I’d have to sell a heck of a lot of books to break even on that type of expense.
This is where I put on my business hat and have to weigh the cost vs the benefit of the expense. Now a national magazine or publication can bring my books to the attention of thousands of people but how many of them would actually buy? If it brought hundreds of sales then it would be worth it. If it didn’t, I would have wasted my money.
Part of it is targeting the right audience. With Moon Affirmations that isn’t too difficult as it has a specific niche and a broader market but the other two books is more difficult. It isn’t like there are romance novel bookstores only. I could target women’s magazines but not all women read romance novels.
As for the poetry book, it is even harder to find target specific places to send my marketing material to. I keep researching and looking for ideas.
This is why when I get accomplishments – like the reviews – it is wonderful news to me.
Check out my books. They are available:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moon-affirmations-eileen-troemel/1119387496?ean=2940045859738
Available at Barnes & Nobles:http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/moments-in-nature-eileen-troemel/1119566668?ean=2940045940085
Available at:
Available on Amazon:
New Posting for Moon Affirmations
I’ve been working on marketing my books. One of the things I did was a google search on New Age book stores. This has been slightly successful in that I got two hits with one person requesting a review copy and one person offering to post it on her web site.
It may not seem like a lot but a posting on a web site could offer more traffic to my book. If the web site has a lot of traffic, then the new item may show up to interest people. If they like the one book I have, it could lead to them purchasing another of my books.
There are a lot of ifs in there but it is a beginning. I have to start somewhere with getting my book out there for people to see. To that end…
Astrostar.com has added Moon Affirmations to its website.
Thank you, Tara for adding me to your web site!
Weekend Looms
With it being a non-pay week, I have absolutely NO plans for the weekend. This may sound like an abysmal weekend but for me, it is heaven. It means that I can work on writing, crocheting, or whatever else comes to mind.
The difficulty will be in narrowing down what I do from all my options. I’m working on production of another poetry book, editing a fantasy novel, and looking at short stories for submission to a contest. In addition, I’m also working on the third book in the fantasy series. I’d like to finish writing the story.
On the marketing end, I’ve been sending emails announcing my book coming out. I’ve hit several local papers, bookstores across the country, and sent out review copies. Now all I have to do is hope that someone pays attention and purchases or the newspapers do an article. Marketing is not my strong suit though I do know about it as I worked in it for a small amount of time for one of my jobs. I do know I can send out hundreds or even thousands of emails and only get a few hits on it.
This is also one of my more difficult things to do because marketing tends to be over the top for claims and I don’t believe in doing that. However, it doesn’t grab people’s attention if I just say – hey here are three good books try them out. This makes marketing difficult for me.
On the crocheting side of my life, I’m working on Vicki’s afghan. It is slow going because it is octagonal and each row takes a long time to finish. I started a different project with some of my new yarn as a short project but I have a logger jam of afghan requests right now. I have four in my queue.
It is time for me to start thinking about what I want to do for gifts for winter so I have them done in time. I have an idea of what I’d like to do but it is a matter of time.
This means the weekend is an open book. It will be nice to have a quiet and hopefully productive weekend at home.
Secret Past
Creative vs Business
And now for a slight break from the drama and stress of politics…