Wayfarer on sale!!!

Wayfarer – the start of the series is on sale now for just 99 cents!  Go out today and purchase it from Amazon or Smashwords.


Adara Stone youngest pilot in the Interstellar Planets Union survived one ship’s destruction only to be treated like a jinx.  Being half human and half Wayfarer, she’s always been set apart.  Captain Decker Flannery thinks she’s too young, too solitary and too sexy to be on his hsip.  He needs a third pilot so he has no choice but to hire her.  He knows he’s just hired trouble.

The first of five in the series – Wayfarer starts the adventures of Adara and Decker.  Get the first installment for only 99 cents right now.  Just follow one of the links above.

If you like the first installment, check out the others Wayfarer Clans, Wayfarer Immemorial, Wayfarer Negotiator, and Wayfarer Wedding.  



I’ve been busy.  I did sales summary analysis for January, billed for an editing job, responded to a bunch of emails, ate three meals yesterday (though supper was a bit late), and wrote.  I wrote an epilogue of sorts to Wayfarer Aegis.  One of my test readers insisted.  I was reluctant but having written it I see how it changes the tone of the ending and connects it better to the first book.  My test readers agree.  I wrote a blog for here, did posting on Facebook, answered posts on Facebook, and checked on Linked in, Goodreads, Pagan Square and looked for new reviews.  In addition to all of those things I wrote about 7,000 words for the sixth Wayfarer novel.

I went to sleep last night trying to figure out if I wanted to write a love scene between two characters or leave it as strong implied.  I couldn’t decide.  I slept on it.  This morning I woke up with the love scene playing in my head.  I sat up and wrote it and the following scene as well.

I have to check my business email this morning about the editing job I worked on.  However, I think I’m going to go take a shower.  When I’m done with my shower, I am hoping I’ll figure out what I want the next scene to be.  I know in general what it will be but I’m having Adara do a private negotiation that Admiral Chesnik specifically asked her to do.  I don’t know what will be under negotiation.  I have to figure that out.  Once I do, I’ll be able to write the scene.  After that I have one more scene for this contract day.  Then I’ll be jumping forward, I know the next scene for the new contract, I just have to figure out all the details of it.  It’s going to be complicated and involved but I think I know how it will play out.

If I can get all of that written today I will count it as a good day of writing.  The thing is I even know what happens after all of these scenes.  I know where I’m taking the story and sort of how it is going to play out but not the details yet.  It’s always fun for me to see the details unfold as I write.

If I can get Wayfarer done today or maybe in the next day or so, I can move on to Defenders.  I really want to tackle the final story in that series.  It’s two thirds done, I just need to finish it so I can work on edits.  There are battles to be fought, people who need to die, people who shouldn’t die, and justice to be done in that story.  It is exciting and should be fun once I get to it.

Everything is good and right in my world

For those who are worried, stop.  Yesterday I managed to remember to eat, sleep and even shower.  On top of which I finished Wayfarer Aegis.  I may work on the cover for it today.  It went off to my test readers.  The first one got back to me last night and she loved the changes I made.  It pleases me that the added scenes helped to polish the story.

I worked on Wayfarer six last night.  I don’t have a name for it yet.  They generally come to me as I’m writing so for now it is six.  When I ran out of energy for writing I slept and woke up this morning with at least one scene in my head.  I have a lot to do in this one so I think it is going to be a dense story.

I remembered to call Ken to wish him a Happy Birthday!  He’s 54 today and better than he was at 20 when we married.  I admit to no bias in that statement.

I’ve had breakfast, took my meds, and brushed my hair.  I’m managing to remember to do the basics.  Of course I haven’t started writing yet.  All bets are off once I start writing.  Classical music is on and I’m at the computer.

I’m up and working.  In my head there is a list of what I want to get done today which I’m trying to tackle before the scenes in my head take over forcing me to write.  My list includes blogging, facebook marketing, email, invoice for editing job I did and then WRITING.  I’ve already done the sales review for the month.  I just have to check tomorrow to see if there were sales today.

Yes I’m pretty sure I’m obsessed with writing.  I’m pretty sure if I stopped writing my head would explode because there would be too many words and stories in it.

Virginia and Stephanie are with Ken and they are doing the birthday and superbowl thing this weekend.  Vicki is at a conference getting tons of books.  I’m writing.  Everything is good and right in my world.

Alone at last!

Ken went off to visit the girls and I’m just back from dropping him at the airport.  I get to be home alone for the next week!  I am very excited about this as I plan to WRITE until my fingers fall off.

I sent Ken with goodies for the girls.  I’ve been crocheting for them for the last two weeks.  They got two scarves and something like twenty six coasters.  Virginia requested the purple and gray combo and then Stephanie sent me her color choices.
I got baby yarn for the scarves so it would make a nice light scarf.  They both turned out beautifully.  I LOVE the yarn and will be purchasing it again.

Now their stuff is done, I have to turn to my other projects.  I have a scarf I’m working on for Vicki which is almost done.  When it’s done I’ll be working on the gifts for my student workers and my niece who is getting married.  I have four gifts to get done by beginning of May and one by July.

While I’m alone this week though I’m going to focus on writing.  My short story didn’t place for the contest I sent it to but I think it’s good enough to publish so I’m going to polish it up some more, add a couple more scenes and put it out there for purchase.  For the rough draft, I have two or three more scenes to write and then it can go in the editing pile.

I just finished writing Murder Next Door.  I know exactly what I want for a cover (I think) so I have to figure out if I can get a photo of it or if I will try to get a picture (drawn) for it.

This week I have three things I want to get done – Wayfarer Aegis (which is just the two or three scenes), the Defenders third book, and the Wayfarer sixth book.  All three projects are started and in varying degrees of being written.  I just need to finish them.

On the drive home, I tried to settle into one of the stories to see if I could plot out the first steps.  I think the Aegis is going to be the first one.  Part of that is because it is so close to being done.  I need to write about so little to polish it off and then I think I can send it to my test readers.  If they don’t have any problems with it, I can start the editing process and get it out for publication.  The other two are going to be longer and more complicated to write, edit and publish.

Enough with sharing for now.  I’m on to writing.  Adara and the Aegis here I come.  

Wayfarer Wedding

Product DetailsThe fifth installment is out! 

With the wedding only 106 days off, the men in Adara’s life decide to send her family ships to the Hettians known location. Adara fixes a flawed plan to send them off. She negotiates property and payment for the risk her clan must take.

While checking in on the shop keepers on Space Station Zed, Adara discovers Devoe is moving to Castitate colony – a human’s only colony. After training the pilots on the Galway, Adara returns to assist in rescuing a mother and daughter from a stranded mini scout. The mother has been raped and beaten. They are from the Castitate colony. This prompts Franklin to dig deep into the pasts of the founders. He opens a fifteen year old case of a prison fire.

Trainees show up for Adara to assess after a shuttle accident on the Command space station. She assesses and trains them in practical applications of flying. 

Decker and Adara field demands from his mother about the proper way to have a wedding. Decker puts his foot down on how his mother treats Adara telling her to be nice or lose them both.


Next – Prequel – Wayfarer Aegis – a short story about Adara’s time on the Aegis. 

Pre-Orders and Reviews!

Book reviews are hard to come by.  A good book review is a gem.  This week, to my surprise, I received three of them!  

On Barnes and Noble, Dragon Lord’s Mate received a five star review! You can check it out here:

On Crystals Many Reviewers, I got a five star review for both Wayfarer and
Secret Past!  In addition to the five stars she wrote a wonderful review.  I’m thrilled and excited about these reviews.  They will go on Amazon and Barnes and Noble soon.  For now you can check them out here:


 In addition to these reviews, I got the fifth Wayfarer book – Wayfarer Wedding – out for pre-order.  Wayfarer Negotiator came out on December 31, so there will be two new installments in this series.

My writing to do list is long and complex.  I just finished the rough draft of a futuristic romance murder mystery.  I don’t have a title and it needs some serious editing but that goes in the mix next for editing.  I have the first scene for Wayfarer six done but need about 48,000 more words in that one.  Defenders of Magic (third in the defenders series) is underway.  The sequel to Dragon Lord’s Mate is percolating.  Aside from these, I have a half dozen other projects jumping up and down saying “Pick me, Pick me, work on me next.”

I’m pretty sure this list will keep me busy for a little while at the very least.

Wayfarer Negotiator

The fourth book in the Wayfarer series is now available:

Decker and Adara return from time on Command Space Station collecting new members of the crew.  Their new sectors await their arrival.  Adara is called to negotiate a settlement between two groups – Wayfarers and shopkeepers – on a space station. 
Avin gets a murder case that is both baffling and odd.  Adara reminds him that Etienne society is much more polite than human society.  She aids him in one murder investigation which leads to another migraine. 
Adara’s continued health issues have Decker trying to control her decisions.  She has to negotiate with him to get him to treat her like an equal. 
At the same time, Adara meets Decker’s parents for the first time.  His mother disapproves of her instantly thinking she is after his money or using him to advance her career.
The data crystal from Commander Farin contains a design for a weapon or space station the command crew needs to figure out.  Janet gives birth to her twins at Bedelia’s instead of in med bay as she planned.  Decker finally proposes.  
Watch for the fifth book to come out early next year!

Sleep, blessed sleep

Sleep was the order of the day yesterday.  I dozed until after 11 in the morning.  I worked on the computer for a short period of time updating the checkbook and such.  We had lunch (or breakfast for me) and watched West Wing.

He put up the Christmas tree while we watched.  I meant to crochet but I didn’t.  After the tree was up he did other things and I napped.  With supper, we watched Diners, Driveins, and Dives and then West Wing again.

He went to bed and I thought about going to bed.  Instead I worked on editing a manuscript.  Once I started editing, the night slipped away from me.  Still I made it to bed before midnight.  Apparently I needed sleep yesterday but not today.  I woke up early this morning and am up, showered, dressed, and ready to face the day all by 8:00 am (or 8:20 as it is right now).

Ken’s wrapping gifts and I’m going to crochet today I think.  I have a few things I want to get done but we will see.  I’ve not written in a week it may be time for my brain to kick back into gear and work on writing.  I edited the fourth and fifth books of the Wayfarer series over the last few days.  They aren’t done.  I need to swipe through them again once I get the edits in the computer.

Before his game starts, I may see if he wants to watch Babylon 5 or West Wing but if he doesn’t I might just decide to make it a writing day.  I’m feeling ambivalent about it which could be good or bad for the writing.  I could open the file and the words could just flow or I could putz around and not accomplish anything.  I’ll have to see how the morning goes.

If I’m not knee deep in writing, this afternoon while he watches football I’ll work on getting the edits on the computer.  After that it is a matter of getting all the pieces together.  Wayfarer Negotiator and Wayfarer Wedding are the next two in the series.  I have the cover for the one but need other pieces in order to publish.

As much as I slept yesterday, I wouldn’t mind a nap at some point today but I’ll have to see how the day goes and how involved I get with what I’m doing.

Six Days…

Last Friday I worked on changes for the fourth Wayfarer novel and came up with a splendid opening for the fifth book. 

Over the last six days, I’ve been busy.  Monday I had 22,000 words in the fifth novel.  This was not my intention, though it was certainly a nice surprise.  There are times when I’m writing that I know the story is going really well.  I can’t get the words out fast enough and as I’m writing I know that every step I take is the right one.  That’s how this one went.  Four I struggled a little in places, rewrote some scenes, added in to the rough draft, but this one…. this one was a dream.  There were nights I was mad because I had to go to sleep in order to get up for my day job.

Last night I spend an hour putzing because I was trying to think how I wanted to do a scene.  I was annoyed with myself because I had written myself into this scene and there was no way around it.  It was supposed to be the culmination of a plot from multiple books. 

I did wha tI normally do when I’m feeling grumbly about a scene.  I called one of my daughters.  I rambled around the topic and the options and eventually decided on a method for handling the scene.  Since I finished writing it at 12:30 last night, I don’t know how well it worked.  My test readers have it and will tell me if I need to change it.  I’ll read it and decide if I need to change it. 

There is one scene after, maybe two little scenes, in which the two main characters are together.  I went for a little funny, a little romantic, and hope that it worked well. 

Now all my test readers – I’m working on a different series for the next month.  No nagging for the sixth Wayfarer.  It isn’t even in my head …. yet….

Late Night or Early Morning

It has been a week of late nights and last night I stayed up writing (and waiting on my computer to shut down) until Ken got up. 

Ironically, he always asks me why I’m still up.  It’s a silly question because mostly I stay up writing.  It could also be that I can’t sleep but lately it’s that I’m writing. 

I’m working on the fifth Wayfarer novel.  The fourth one is done and needs editing but I’ve been really busy with writing the fifth one.  I did some rewrites on Friday to the fourth one.  I sent them off to my test readers and they liked them.  After I was done with the rewrites, I realized I knew the perfect opening for the fifth book.  I wrote it hoping it would get it started and get it out of my head so I could work on other things.

I wrote it and the next scene seemed to follow in its heels.  And the next… and the next… and – well you get the idea.  I now have 42,000 words written and two more scenes to write.  One will be a big scene with lots of smaller scenes leading up to the culminating scene.  The other will be a summing up scene, not quite an epilogue but a scene that says essentially – hey this is where we’re at and maybe hints at what comes next. 

Hopefully when I’m done with the obsession five has become I’ll be able to go to the last Defenders book and finish it.  Unless the sixth Wayfarer takes over my brain, that is entirely possible.  I’m going to try to put my foot down though because I don’t want to have three books to edit in one series. 

Two of my test readers are cranking at me to finish the fifth book.  They apparently want to read it.  Of course they will read it and ask for the sixth book.  It is just a neverending round of demands from them.  They are such slave drivers.