Checked off the list

Yesterday, I worked on taxes for my daughter and for us.  I had a business meeting.  My late afternoon appointment didn’t show up.  In the meanwhile I got three of my crochet patterns posted on Ravelry, started a new pattern, which I’m pleased with the result, and spent time with Ken.  I posted a contest on my Facebook page for my readers and friends to enter a drawing to win one of my books.  If you want to know more go to my site: 

This morning I woke up at 5 am with a migraine.  I went back to sleep in the hopes of it going away but it didn’t.  So now on top of the migraine, I feel like I’m behind schedule.  I have crochet patterns to deal with.  I have to do a bit of research to figure out whether I should post the Half Dozen Headbands and Warm Winter Set as a set on Ravelry or if I should do each pattern individually.  It means research.

In addition to what I’ve gotten done, I need to go through the stacks of coupons I have so I’m prepped and ready for the shopping trip next weekend.  I’ve already gone through the apps to look for deals.

I was hoping to get more done today but my head is killing me so I will take it easy today I think.  It is Ken’s birthday today.  He gets to pick what we do.  We’ve finally caught up on Scorpion but we are behind now on a number of other shows.  It’s up to him.

I’ve checked off some of the things on my weekend to do list.  I think the rest of the weekend will have to be about Ken and getting rid of a migraine.

Overloaded and Overwhelmed

Things are speeding up at my day job which is putting a stress on my writing and crocheting because I have so much I want to get done but I’m tired when I get home.  My pain level isn’t helping but I’m hoping for milder weather in March.

Mentally I have a long list of things to get done editing, writing, brief descriptions, press releases, production for the manuscripts and that is just the general list off the top of my head.  I still have a gift to make and a few other things.  My daughter is grumbling about people being put before her afghan so I need to focus on her project.

I have a LONG LONG list of to read books.  So many I can’t even begin to say.  I can’t seem to make myself read Cast in Peril.  I guess I’ll go back to making myself listen to one chapter (at least) before I start the next JD Robb.  I’m on book 15 of the JD Robb series.  I want to get all the way through them and move on to other series.

The nice thing about crocheting is that I can listen to books and crochet so I’m doing two things I love at once.  Unfortunately when I write, it is the only thing I can do.  Tonight I worked on two stories and considered the start to another one.  I want to finish the final Defenders book.  I need some quiet weekends to be able to do it though.  I’m in the middle of writing a battle – a turning point in the book.  It takes my revolutionaries from thugs to respectable people attempting to change the rules of a society.  It’s turning out good for now but I need some quiet time to focus on it and think about where I am with all my large cast of characters and where I need to be and how I’m getting there.

I probably wrote about 3000 words tonight, maybe more.  Not bad considering I’m tired and cranky.  I’ve got too much in my head to not write and too much in my head to write and get the stories down.  It’s a matter of whittling away at my to do list.

Tomorrow promises to be another busy day.  We are coming up on advising followed inevitably by registration.  I’m sure it will be no worse or no better than other semester but just long days spent trouble shooting why people can’t register.  I managed to get a variety of tasks off my desk today and that felt good.  I like being busy while I’m accomplishing things.

This weekend is busy, very busy.  I’ve got things scheduled for most of the day on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.  I’m hoping I can get some down time with my feet up during all the chaos but we will see.

I made a call to one of my student loan places today.  I was supposed to get a tax form.  I didn’t and called them about ten days ago.  They said they would mail me one and still haven’t gotten it.  I called back today and got someone who was very helpful and got my form.  It was the largest chunk of the interest I paid so it was an important document to have so I can do our taxes.  I’m going to have to try to fit them in some time soon.  Normally I like to have them done by this time but with the schedule I’ve had and the missing document it was difficult.

With all this stuff in my head, I just need to make a comprehensive list and start working on it.  Part of the reason I haven’t is I don’t want to overwhelm myself with the list.  I have too many projects going right now and I need to finish a couple off.

Tonight – I’m going for an early night (for me) and hopefully a little more sleep than I’ve been getting.  Hopefully that will lower my pain level and keep me moving forward with my long list of things to do.

Eventful Week

Tuesday, Ken was on his way to work and got hit by a snow plow.  Don’t worry he is fine.  His truck is dinged up.  We all stayed home to keep an eye on him.  Fortunately, he had no negative side effects. 
The rest of the week was quiet for the most part – thankfully.  I got a lot done yesterday though.  Chapter for science – done.  Taxes for Alicia – fixed, accepted, and done.  Errands run with Vicki – done.  New cell phones ordered – done.  Genealogy looked up for a cousin, editing job, and FAFSA – done, done, and done.  These are all checked off my to do list this week. 
Today, I’m going to sit and watch some dvr programs with Ken and crochet.  Also on my list is to help Vicki make some of her homemade products that we are selling.  We have a list of mostly organic items that we are selling because we have found they work wonderfully for us (yup we were the guinea pigs) and now we are going to sell them.  There are scrubs, lotions, face wash and a variety of other products.  I’ll post a link when we get that far.  We are also making a big batch of carbonara and marinara, so I’ll be assistant chef to Vicki and Ken will be canning the results for the marinara and we will freeze the carbonara. 
I’ve tried a new stitch called crocodile crochet.  I love how it looks and it is fun to make.  I bought a slipper pattern that looks fun.  I’m also working on an ascot for Vicki (yes Kelly she gets another one).  I’m hoping to finish that today while we watch dvr stuff. 

I’m hoping for a quiet day today – mostly.  I’m also hoping for a less eventful week next week

Tax Equity

Death and taxes.  Those are the things we are told are a certainty in life.  At some point we are all going to die – it is inevitable.  Taxes, however, seem to be a bit more questionable depending on who you are. 

I know that with my small pay I pay about 25 – 28% of taxes – I’m looking at my paycheck overall.  I claim zero on my W4s because I don’t want to have to pay in for taxes.  I’d rather get something back.  Depending on the tax laws we skirt the breaking even line for tax refunds.  We do things like contribute to an IRA and paying on my student loans to get a break.  However, now the girls are no longer our dependents we have to hold our breaths every tax season. 

I don’t think we are any different than most people.  Tax time is stressful for all.  Here’s the thing though.  I don’t want my taxes to go to multi-billion dollar corporations or people who are so wealthy they can afford to pay their own way in life.  I want my taxes to go to things like Social Security, Medicare, Planned Parenthood (even the small 3% that goes for abortions), NPR, PBS.  These are the things I think are worthwhile.

I also don’t want anyone to pay more than their fair share.  On the flip side of that coin, I don’t think people should get out of paying their fair share.  I remember back in the 80s I watched a movie about a couple that was divorcing.  The husband had money, the wife had been a stay at home mom.  She went out and found a job.  Like most women who had been stay at home moms it didn’t pay all that much.  The husband kept trying to tell the courts that he didn’t have that much money.  As soon as the divorce was settled he suddenly had a jump in lifestyle.  Thereby cheating his wife out of part of their assets etc.  This is how I feel the rich and the corporations are treating us.  (See there was a point embedded in that round about story)

They are saying oh 250 thousand isn’t that much and it isn’t really “rich” especially if you have kids.  I wonder if they have any clue how that sounds to someone who makes less than 50 or 30 thousand?  The question becomes are you paying your taxes on your income.  Why should someone who makes more money get a loop hole that allows them to get out of paying the same taxes that I pay?  Why should corporations who benefit from doing business in the US and make BILLIONS of dollars on the consumers here, not pay taxes here?

Equity.  It is an interesting concept that apparently most of the Republicans don’t get.  Here is a link to a site that shows the deficit by president since WWII  If you think the republicans are doing us any favors I think you need to take a serious look at things. 

Carter had the deficit going up at a slight rate.  Reagan, however, had it jumping up by leaps and bounds – jumping from around 1 Trillion to about 3 Trillion by the time he was done.  Bush the first had it jumping up to just over 4 Trillion in the short time he was in there.  Clinton’s budget jumped to just under 6 Trillion but the spending was starting to level out.  In the last couple years he was in, the deficit wasn’t increasing at such a high rate of things.  Bush II though now he gave the rich and business a LOT of tax breaks.  The deficit went from just under 6 Trillion to around 11 Trillion in eight years. 

What the hell!!!!  Obviously whatever Bush II was doing wasn’t good for the country.  It was like giving your teenager a credit card and saying have at it.  Federal income went down because he gave the corporations and the wealthy tax breaks that allowed them to not pay their fair share.  If income goes down then obviously debt goes up. 

I don’t want the upper class to pay more than their fair share.  I want them to pay their fair share.  I think that the middle class needs to open their eyes, read some history and think about what is important in life.  Do we really want our seniors to not have Social Security or health care?  Do we really want women to not have access to cancer screenings?  Do we want organizations like PBS and NPR to shut their doors or cut their services because a section of our population is whining that they can’t afford to pay their taxes? 

I say – try living on what I make.  Instead of having your 250,000 try living on 30,000.  Put away the fancy cars, private schools, and all the luxury items – if they lived on NEED items only like the majority of the people, they would have a lot more money available to them. 

I’ve heard the argument “why are we penalizing those who have worked hard to make more money”.  I’ve worked hard to make more money too.  I just haven’t broken that 6 figure mark yet.  I’m betting most middle and low income people will say the same thing.  Again I say to the people making more and taking advantage of the loopholes, the free ride needs to stop and you need to pay your fair share.

A Look Forward

I’m feeling a lot stressed out tonight.  I get all sorts of emails from my union and other political places and I try to be very conservative about what I pass on.  Today one of the things I got from my union was a link state employees can go to plug in their gross income and then answer questions about union status and insurance.  It will tell you how much you might lose from your check if this goes through.

Someone who is good at math do the math for me.  Okay I’ve already done the math.  I’m losing 11% of my income.  In one check I’ll be losing nearly $200 in the other I’ll be losing about $65.  This is on top of the 3% they are already taking for the furlough days. 

On top of this possible loss of funds, I’m looking at a strong possibility of being laid off because I’m still on probation.  The governor said today that layoff notice will go out tomorrow afternoon to 1500 workers who will have to be cut.  You only get like 65% of your income on unemployment right?

Then I look at the pump and gas just keeps going up and up.  It was $3.43 a gallon yesterday and they are calling for it to be nearly $5 a gallon before summer. 

On the news tonight I heard that our city is looking at having to up either taxes or fees because of the cut to the recycling program proposed by Walker’s budget.  This doesn’t address the nearly $300,000+ that the school district is losing (not sure on that number)

All I can see is money out of my pocket.  I’m trying to meet my bills and stay on top of things but at this point I don’t know if I will be able to. 

It doesn’t help that most of this is just a what if thing.  Will I get laid off?  Will I lose 11% of my income?  Will fees and/or taxes go up in the city?  Will gas prices go up?  If gas prices go up will food prices go up?  How many will end up unemployed? 

I guess the question becomes will there be a second job available for me when I need it?

Long Weekend

I’m halfway through my weekend today.  Yesterday I ran errands with my daughter.  It was a normal pay week Saturday with grocery shopping and other errands. 

Visited the Doc on Thursday and have another bottle of pain killers.  I’ll see how well they work.  I’m not holding my breath though.  I’ve not taken any yet because we’ve been so busy. 

Yesterday afternoon a friend came over and we crafted and chatted.  It was such a wonderful afternoon.  We relaxed and talked.  Yes some crafting got done.  We laughed and had silly conversation and also delved into some more serious stuff to.  It is always a pleasure to have those conversations with people who are willing to listen and discuss with an open mind.  It makes you think to hear others beliefs – at least it does for me – and to express your own because you have to put into words some esoteric concepts.

Today I’m starting the tax season by helping Vicki with her taxes.  After we are done with her taxes then I’ll be working on writing things.  I have a chapter laid out in my head – now I just have to get it down on paper (per se it will really be in the computer but…).  I’m hoping to finish that today. 

Tomorrow is Ken’s birthday so I’m looking to do things with him.  He will be 50.  I’ve been teasing him about getting old but really he is just getting better and better.  I’m glad I took the day and we will have time together. 

Overall it will be a busy weekend but at the same time it has all the best components – family, friends, relaxation, fun, and even getting work done.