New Semester

Tuesday classes start for my new semester of school.  I’m feeling ambivalent about both of my classes.  I am taking Geography 120 – Weather and Climate and English 378 Prose Stylistics. 

Science is not my favorite topic.  I enjoy the ideas in science and the possibilities.  I’m not very good at the whole scientific learning.  As for the English class – I’m not really sure what it is about so I’m reserving my opinion on it.  I’m hoping it is a good class.

The nice thing about this semester is the science class is online so I can do it from home.  The English class is held in my building so I will be able to just take the elevator to the floor and go to class.  This makes getting to class much easier especially with the ambulatory issues I’ve been having.  Also it means Vicki doesn’t need to worry about coming back early from her volunteering to make sure I can get to class. 

Hopefully I will enjoy both classes.  It would be nice if I didn’t have a horribly stressful semester but you never know with classes.  The work may be extensive or there could be a variety of other issues to contend with.  I’m certainly not above whining about it either.  I’m just trying to go into this semester with a cautiously optimistic view point that I will do okay. 

Up until last semester I had a 4.0 in my classes for this degree.  Unfortunately I got an A- in my manuscript editing class which means my 4.0 is gone.  However, I’m hoping the science class won’t drag me down.  I’m still going to shoot for an A but I know this is a difficult subject for me. 

This semester I have six books.  One I was able to get one at the book rental.  I got four through Amazon because they were less expensive there.  I was going to get the last one through there as well but one of the comments made me nervous about buying it online.  The comment talked about getting the wrong version and it causing problems.  So I opted to get it from the university bookstore.  Vicki went yesterday to pick it up for me.  She couldn’t find it on the shelves and ended up asking.  They directed her to someone who asked her a ton of questions.  After she answered all the questions, the woman gave her the workbook for free.  I was very surprised as this book would have been $115.  By getting it free, it saves me lots of money.

Took the Plunge

We bought a minivan.  We found a really good deal and I like it a lot.  We signed the paperwork and got the insurance set up Monday.  We turned over a large check and got the van. 

Ken cleaned out the garage so I can still park it in the garage.  There is a garage door opener right in the van so we programmed that first thing.  I like that feature. 

The best thing about the van is that it has stow and go seats.  I am able to put the seats up and down on my own.  I don’t have to wait for Ken to take out a seat.  We don’t have to figure out where we are storing a seat.  Also when the seats are set up it gives me more cargo space.  I like that because the next time we drive to Georgia it will give us the room to take the scooter with us and still have room for luggage.

Tax Equity

Death and taxes.  Those are the things we are told are a certainty in life.  At some point we are all going to die – it is inevitable.  Taxes, however, seem to be a bit more questionable depending on who you are. 

I know that with my small pay I pay about 25 – 28% of taxes – I’m looking at my paycheck overall.  I claim zero on my W4s because I don’t want to have to pay in for taxes.  I’d rather get something back.  Depending on the tax laws we skirt the breaking even line for tax refunds.  We do things like contribute to an IRA and paying on my student loans to get a break.  However, now the girls are no longer our dependents we have to hold our breaths every tax season. 

I don’t think we are any different than most people.  Tax time is stressful for all.  Here’s the thing though.  I don’t want my taxes to go to multi-billion dollar corporations or people who are so wealthy they can afford to pay their own way in life.  I want my taxes to go to things like Social Security, Medicare, Planned Parenthood (even the small 3% that goes for abortions), NPR, PBS.  These are the things I think are worthwhile.

I also don’t want anyone to pay more than their fair share.  On the flip side of that coin, I don’t think people should get out of paying their fair share.  I remember back in the 80s I watched a movie about a couple that was divorcing.  The husband had money, the wife had been a stay at home mom.  She went out and found a job.  Like most women who had been stay at home moms it didn’t pay all that much.  The husband kept trying to tell the courts that he didn’t have that much money.  As soon as the divorce was settled he suddenly had a jump in lifestyle.  Thereby cheating his wife out of part of their assets etc.  This is how I feel the rich and the corporations are treating us.  (See there was a point embedded in that round about story)

They are saying oh 250 thousand isn’t that much and it isn’t really “rich” especially if you have kids.  I wonder if they have any clue how that sounds to someone who makes less than 50 or 30 thousand?  The question becomes are you paying your taxes on your income.  Why should someone who makes more money get a loop hole that allows them to get out of paying the same taxes that I pay?  Why should corporations who benefit from doing business in the US and make BILLIONS of dollars on the consumers here, not pay taxes here?

Equity.  It is an interesting concept that apparently most of the Republicans don’t get.  Here is a link to a site that shows the deficit by president since WWII  If you think the republicans are doing us any favors I think you need to take a serious look at things. 

Carter had the deficit going up at a slight rate.  Reagan, however, had it jumping up by leaps and bounds – jumping from around 1 Trillion to about 3 Trillion by the time he was done.  Bush the first had it jumping up to just over 4 Trillion in the short time he was in there.  Clinton’s budget jumped to just under 6 Trillion but the spending was starting to level out.  In the last couple years he was in, the deficit wasn’t increasing at such a high rate of things.  Bush II though now he gave the rich and business a LOT of tax breaks.  The deficit went from just under 6 Trillion to around 11 Trillion in eight years. 

What the hell!!!!  Obviously whatever Bush II was doing wasn’t good for the country.  It was like giving your teenager a credit card and saying have at it.  Federal income went down because he gave the corporations and the wealthy tax breaks that allowed them to not pay their fair share.  If income goes down then obviously debt goes up. 

I don’t want the upper class to pay more than their fair share.  I want them to pay their fair share.  I think that the middle class needs to open their eyes, read some history and think about what is important in life.  Do we really want our seniors to not have Social Security or health care?  Do we really want women to not have access to cancer screenings?  Do we want organizations like PBS and NPR to shut their doors or cut their services because a section of our population is whining that they can’t afford to pay their taxes? 

I say – try living on what I make.  Instead of having your 250,000 try living on 30,000.  Put away the fancy cars, private schools, and all the luxury items – if they lived on NEED items only like the majority of the people, they would have a lot more money available to them. 

I’ve heard the argument “why are we penalizing those who have worked hard to make more money”.  I’ve worked hard to make more money too.  I just haven’t broken that 6 figure mark yet.  I’m betting most middle and low income people will say the same thing.  Again I say to the people making more and taking advantage of the loopholes, the free ride needs to stop and you need to pay your fair share.

Money and Politics

It seems like lately all I’m doing is worrying about money and politics.  Politics are definitely driving the concern about the money situation.  Gas is nearly 3.50 a gallon.  This definitely affects my budget.  It is one of the biggest sections of my budget.  I know that as the gas leaps up in price the less likely I am to go anywhere.   Certainly with the unrest in the middle east this is not going to go away anytime soon.

The unrest at home isn’t helping either.  Work – because I work for the state – is difficult because everyone has really low morale.  It is like there is a blanket of despair covering the employees.  I know I’m not the only one worrying about money and where we are headed with this budget repair bill and the budget proposed by Walker. 

It very much concerns me that he wants to trash our educational system.  Now don’t get me wrong – I’ve said for years it needs revamping.  From a parents perspective I don’t see it fulfilling the needs of our children.  However just pulling out nearly a billion dollars isn’t going to make it better – it will in fact make it worse. 

Wisconsin I believe is second in the nation for its educational system.  Yes it needs work – but don’t most things.  Generally if you get teachers together – they are pretty smart and willing to look at ways to improve things.  Ask what can be done.  Ask what are some ways to cut costs without hurting the children. 

Unfortunately I don’t believe Walker knows how to do that.  I think he has his agenda and to hell with anyone who doesn’t agree with him.  Sadly that only works for dictatorships – last time I looked Wisconsin isn’t a dictatorship – wait – maybe it is now…

Money Money Money

I’m looking at an 11% plus cut in my pay due to Governor Walker and that is on top of the 3% I already took with the furloughs.  This is significant as it will put me from making it to not making it.  I’m a public employee and proud to be serving the public.  I do the best I can in my job, helping as many people as I can regardless of what they are asking of me.  I don’t just say that isn’t my area I can’t do it.  I say it isn’t my area but let me see who could help you.  I did this when I worked at the DMV, BPD and now at the University.
Unfortunately this is not seen or appreciated by those in power.  My bosses have appreciated me and given me pats on the back but the legislature and governor apparently can’t be bothered to promote workers. 
I don’t know Scott Walker at all.  I didn’t vote for him.  I don’t like his way of treating people.  I find him arrogant and irresponsible.  He is not a person I would choose to run anything let alone our state.  However, now that he is in power I have to deal with the fall out. 
For me this means, we are no longer going to have any cash to spend on anything other than the absolute necessities.  We may even be looking at dropping services. I’m not sure what we will have to sacrifice but something will have to go.  I may have to drop my insurance – if that is allowed mid-year.  Other options are to drop cell phones or cable… I’m not sure what else.
This will not mean tightening our belts.  It will mean that we are doing without.  I was working on paying off my credit card debt but we may have to let our credit rating tank in order to pay for our basics with this type of drastic cut in pay.  
I know the propaganda out there is that state workers make six figures and they don’t do anything.  There probably are a few who are like that.  However, the majority of state workers are not that well off.   Between my husband and I we don’t make six figures.  We are not living high off the hog.  We get paid.  I pay the bills.  The money is gone.  There is no emergency fund. There is no huge retirement fund.  There is no savings.  It is just us working to pay our bills. 
Does Scott Walker understand that is how most of the state employees are?  Does he understand that we are just like all the other workers in Wisconsin who are struggling to stay afloat during these difficult economic times?

Super bowl… I can’t believe this title…

Anyone who knows me knows I don’t like football – with a passion I don’t like it.  I’d be happy if all of the stadiums were sucked into a void somewhere and we never had to deal with another game ever.  So this is not going to be a happy go packers post – if you are looking for that just quit reading…

I’m sick to death of the whole super bowl thing.  I do not want to hear one more word about the damn thing – I know this won’t happen but really does this have to be the focus for two weeks?  Why can’t they play the super bowl the day after the final play off game?   I know why – big bucks.  Okay and maybe logistics.

Our lovely governor is going to the super bowl.  Ken heard that it is going to cost $10,000 for him to go and that was on the taxpayers dime.  I looked on line to see what was up and found that he bought the tickets for him and his family – one article said he was charging it to his campaign.  I question that use of funds. 

In all the articles he made a point of saying that the tax payers only had to pay for the security detail he was required to take.  Well I say with the money crunch, he should be staying home and watching it at the governor’s mansion.  Or he should be reimbursing the state for the cost of that security detail. 

I do want to say that I’m proud to be a Wisconsinite.  I think our fans are well behaved and good natured (for the most part).  I think they show what good sportsmanship is and love the game.  We have good people in our state – yes we have some damn awful ones too but overall… good people. 

Aside from that I have only one thing to say about the super bowl – Is it done yet?

Financial Fidelity

On the Talk yesterday, they were discussing financial fidelity.  This means that you are open and honest with your partner about your spending, savings, finances.  You don’t hide purchases.  Leah Remini stated that the men in their lives make them lie by being critical of their purchases. 
No one makes us lie.  We lie because we don’t want to deal with the fallout from our actions.  If you are going to lie about what you are purchasing, what else will you lie about? 
Here’s the thing in my mind, if the hubby doesn’t like that you are buying too many of something then look at your purchases.  Are you?  Have you got excess that you don’t need?  Was the latest purchase an impulse?  If you do then maybe it is time to modify your actions. 
On the other hand, if it is just him saying don’t spend money, it needs to become a discussion about why he thinks he gets to say what you can and cannot do for small purchases.
Ken and I have always made a point of buying large things together.  Neither of us spends large sums of money without the other being aware of it.  The small purchases aren’t as important.  Yes Ken will grumble a bit about the number of books I have but he knows better than too much.  We both work.  We both bring in the money.  You know what though; if only one of us worked it wouldn’t matter.  It has always been OUR money.  We are a partnership and as such our money goes to pay the family bills and meet the family needs.
Your partner is the one closest to you and if you can’t be honest and straight forward with him, then you need to reassess your partnership.  Also this behavior begs the question – again – if she truly feels this way, why is she not taking personal responsibility for her own actions?  If you are spending money on shoes or books or whatever, and your husband objects then you need to own it.  Yes I went shopping and yes I bought more shoes.  I like them and I’m planning to continue.  He will either deal with it or the two of you will have an issue.  But face the fact that your actions may be causing that issue.

Naughty Children

I heard on the radio how the Republicans have an agenda now that they are in control of the house.  I think that’s great.  I was hoping to hear how they were going to balance the budget, stimulate the economy, help the poor, and educate our children. No.  The Republicans think they should act like two year olds and stomp their feet till they get their way.  Instead of rolling up their sleeves and getting to work – attempting to work with the President and Senate – they are going to keep their ball gripped tightly in their hands and hold their breath until someone gives them their way. 
Here’s the thing, while they are acting like uncooperative and spoiled children, the everyday people are running out of unemployment, losing their insurance (which was too expensive), losing their homes, paying too much for gas, and going from bad to worse.  What are they going to do about that? 
I’d like to tell our political parties to get their heads out of their asses and do the job they were hired to do.  Run our country and ensure that everyone in the country has a voice.  Everyone doesn’t just include those who pay for your political ads.  It is the child who wakes in the morning to no food or heat in the house.  It is the gay couple who has been together for 20 plus years and isn’t allowed to get married because of the Christian right wing.  It is the two income family who is struggling to make ends meet because their adult kids can’t find work, gas is over $3 a gallon, and there is no public transportation.  It is EVERY individual regardless of color, creed, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, or anything other ridiculous classification society has tossed out there. 
Regardless of level of government, all elected members need to work together, compromise and find solutions to the problems we are facing.  Otherwise when the next election rolls around the same thing is going to happen.  If life doesn’t get better for people, they are going to vote out those in office and look for someone new. 
Instead of tooting their own horns and saying we are going to fix this.  Someone needs to step up and actually do it.  I respect President Obama and feel he is trying to get the changes in place that this country needs.  However, when he has to deal with contention instead of cooperation, he can’t make progress.  This means, we can’t make progress.  Where is the cooperation monster from Sesame Street?  Perhaps if this critter showed up in the House and Senate, the representatives might get an idea of how they are supposed to work.
Someone wise once said be the change you want to see in the world.  I see Obama trying to be the change he wants to see in the world.  I see the political opponents saying oh you aren’t part of our group so we can’t play nice with you.  That is ridiculous and the people who get hurt are the everyday people who have to deal with the lack of progress on the issues that matter.
Another famous quote comes to mind – if you aren’t part of the solution, you are part of the problem.  I wish our political parties would stop being the problem and start being the solution.

Week of Turmoil…

It has been an interesting week for me.  I was hoping to get lots of writing and home things done.  I got some writing and some home things done but unfortunately there was also a lot of turmoil….

First I was dealing with our mortgage company who didn’t want to pay out from our escrow account.  I’d contacted them last week and was told everything would be fine and they’d take care of it.  Never trust banks.  I called this week only to be told no it wouldn’t be paid.  I went round and round with customer service people and then asked for a supervisor.  Our taxes are paid – at least a check has been issued to pay them.

My brakes have been making noise so I took my car in to have them looked at.  Now in June I spent 750 on my car to have the back brakes completely redone and the front brakes worked on.  Six months later my front brakes now need a complete overhaul.  I spoke with the manager there too – apparently it is my week for it.  I negotiated with him to give us a $90 discount.  When I got there the cost of the repairs was still over what I’d been told.  I objected and they tried to say they’d given me an estimated cost.  I said if it was going to be more you should have called me.  I would have said no to this additional $45 cost.  Because I complained I got a 10% discount on the entire bill so it was then lower than expected.  Still by the time we were done it was a lovely $550. 

There have been a few family issues this week as well.  In an effort to respect the privacy of those involved, I will just say that there have been some hurtful things going on and I feel as if I’ve born the brunt of these things.  My relationship with my family is often tumultuous.  There are many strong personalities in my family and we don’t always get along.  I’m not blaming anyone.  It just added to an already stressful week.

My writing this week has been sporadic but I’m still making progress.  In my head I have at least two more chapters I want to get down.  Probably there is more or more likely once I get these two chapters out of the way then more will pop in there. 

For now to relieve some of my stress I’m listening to classical music, writing, and withdrawing from everything else.  I’m definitely taking my last three days off for me. 

Politics – again

I belong to a union.  I’m required to pay union dues for my job so if I’m going to pay for the union I figure it is best to have a say in the union.  I’m reading all the news articles and listening to the blurbs that our governor elect has been spewing out. 
This man seems to consider his employees the enemy.  How are we the enemy?  Union members go to work daily and provide needed, in some cases critical services to the public.  State employees put up with a lot of criticism on all levels.  Yet without us, how would the driver’s and car licenses get out to the public?  How would criminals be guarded?  How would funds go out to the unemployed?  These are just a few of the services that are performed by the state workers. 
I read today that there are 39,000 union workers employed by the state of Wisconsin.  Can Scott Walker really afford to piss off  39,000 workers?  The unions have worked with management with the short falls in budget.  But here is the thing – the legislators got a 5% raise when we had this short fall.  What did they do about it?  Did they give it back?  This is as bad as the stimulus money being given to banks who then paid huge bonuses with it. 
If my income is X, I can’t spend more than that.  It is time that our legislators realize that.  Raising taxes should not be an option.  Wisconsin is already in the second highest level of taxes paid as a percentage of income.  (  Unemployment is down slightly from a high of 9.7% to about 7% but that doesn’t mean people have gotten back on their feet yet.  (  It means that some people are back to work.  The question becomes are they in a level of position that pays them enough to cover their bills or are they under employed?  Plus I just saw where the unemployment rate was back up to 8.3% ( for December.  This increase has been since the election.  I guess that says what sort of confidence businesses have in the new leadership.
Our government needs to live in the now.  Gas prices are at $3 a gallon.  There is very little affordable public transportation outside the major cities.  Prices are up, unemployment is up.  It is time for the politicians to come out of their ivory towers and see how the real people they represent live and struggle daily.
Unemployment has been further affected by Scott Walker and his tantrum over the high speed rail.  He threw such a fit that we will no longer be getting the funds for this project.  A project which would have brought in 800 million dollars into our economy is now going elsewhere.  There were contracts already awarded and ground already broken on a couple of them.  Scott Walker just pissed that away.  An international company that makes trains will be leaving as soon as their contract here is up.  This means the people who are employed by them will be joining the unemployment ranks.  The contractors who were going to hire people to build the rail, won’t be hiring them and may even suffer severe economic failure because the contracts are no more.
Scott Walker may think he knows what is best for Wisconsin but has he bothered to ask the Wisconsinites what they want?  Sadly this man is supposed to represent and lead us for the next four years and I am fearful that he will put my family and my finances at risk.  He needs to apologize to Obama and suck it up to attempt to get that money back into our state for the rail.  He needs to listen to the people who he is supposed to be representing .  He represents everyone not just the people who agree with his rhetoric.