New Reviews!

Moon Affirmations has its first review on Amazon!  Barbara Ardinger read and reviewed it.  She is a wonderful writer and the author of Pagan Every Day and Secret Lives of Crones.  Her website is 

Secret Past has two wonderful reviews on Amazon!  Both people gave it a five stars!  I’m very excited about that. 

Marketing is my most time consuming task right now.  I spend a lot of time sending out press releases saying my books have come out.  I send out review copies.  It is a lot but I try to do some each day.  At this point I’ve had small successes – Barbara’s review being one of them. 

I don’t have a huge budget so I can’t afford an ad in national magazines to advertise my books.  These are costly in the realm of hundreds of dollars per issue.  As I was looking for places to put my ads, I discovered one publication wanted $300.  Since I don’t make a lot on any of the books, I’d have to sell a heck of a lot of books to break even on that type of expense.

This is where I put on my business hat and have to weigh the cost vs the benefit of the expense.  Now a national magazine or publication can bring my books to the attention of thousands of people but how many of them would actually buy?  If it brought hundreds of sales then it would be worth it.  If it didn’t, I would have wasted my money. 

Part of it is targeting the right audience.  With Moon Affirmations that isn’t too difficult as it has a specific niche and a broader market but the other two books is more difficult.  It isn’t like there are romance novel bookstores only.  I could target women’s magazines but not all women read romance novels. 

As for the poetry book, it is even harder to find target specific places to send my marketing material to.  I keep researching and looking for ideas. 

This is why when I get accomplishments – like the reviews – it is wonderful news to me. 

Check out my books.  They are available:

Secret Past

Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:

Moon Affirmations  Daily Meditations Using the Moon Phase to Focus Your Energy

Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:

Moments in Nature

Available at Barnes & Nobles:
Available at:
Available on Amazon:

Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover

While the saying “Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover” is one I’ve heard numerous times, it is also one that most people don’t pay attention to.  The cover draws the reader in.  If the cover catches your eye amongst all the other books on the shelf (or on the web page) and gets you to pick up you are much more likely to buy than if the cover doesn’t draw you in.  It is the first impression of the book.  I want to make a great first impression.

In creating and selecting the cover, much thought goes into the process.  There is composition with all of its details like font, font size, font color and so on.  There is the picture and what it represents.  I’m sure there are probably studies out there that people who read X genre are drawn to X colors or whatever.  I only have my gut instinct to go by and the opinions of the people I trust. 

In looking at all of my covers, I try to be as creative as possible and practical.  I have two versions I have to consider whether it looks good or not – ebook and physical book.  In some ways it is easier to create an ebook cover because it only has to be an electronic version. 

Suzanne and Vicki have provided me with some incredible pictures to pick from for Moments in Spirit.  In looking over the pictures, I cannot narrow it down to just one that I like.  This is what led to twelve covers. 

I’ve spent the last three days looking at them electronically and getting opinions from Suzanne and Vicki.  Next I’ll be asking others randomly which one they like best. 

It is a balance of the right pictures, the words standing out, drawing the eye, and representing what is inside.  My problem at this stage in the game is I like several of them and have to narrow it down to just one.  I think I have it narrowed down to four but getting from four to one is causing me some difficulty. 

Midsummer – Longest Day of the Year

Yesterday was the longest day of the year.  This is a day of celebrating the movement of the sun and the life it gives us.  For Ken and I it was about getting stuff done.
Ken worked is so hard yesterday that his t-shirt was drenched every time he came in the house.  He has been working on the yard and wood splitting.  He was very productive. 
In a different way, I was productive as well.  I worked up eleven cover samples which I have to narrow down to just one.  Suzanne and Vicki have made it difficult by providing me with some beautiful photos. 
I also started the next afghan.  As is normal for me, when I’m done with a long and time consuming project, I like to do a quicker pattern for the next one.  I am using a larger hook and a larger pattern so I can maximize the yarn I’m using and minimize the amount of time I’m spending on it.  At this point I’m about a third done with it. 
Today is all about the business of writing so far.  I’ve been downloading reports and setting up a spreadsheet to track information.  It has been about gathering the information I need to keep track of what I’m making and also about expenses. 
Plus I talked to Suzanne and Vicki about the covers they preferred.  They really helped me narrow down the number of covers as well as critiqued one where we liked the picture but not the other elements.  The two of them help me clarify my vision for the book and how the cover will represent the thoughts within the book.
Once I’m done with all the business side of writing today, I’ll be going back to crocheting on the afghan I’ve got started.  I’m hoping to get it mostly done today as quick as it was working up.  If I could finish it this week, I would only have two left to do.  
Moon Affirmations  Daily Meditations Using the Moon Phase to Focus Your Energy
Moments in Nature

It Is Done

This morning at 2:15 I finished the afghan!  After work, I had a headache so came home to a dark room.  It felt good to just have quiet and dark.  I was a bit annoyed because I thought I wouldn’t be able to work on the afghan. 
However, after supper my head felt better so I picked up the afghan.  I only intended to work a bit and then go to bed early as I’ve had a couple of nights with crappy sleep.  Instead, I watched Torchwood and crocheted until the afghan was done. 
I’ve made a late start today but I’m okay with that because the afghan is done and I can move on to the next crochet project.  Before I start the next crochet project, I’m going to spend some time on the computer working on production for some of my books. 
Suzanne got me pictures for the next poetry book cover.  I have to take some time to see if they will work.  She sent me multiple pictures.  This means I have to pick the ones I think will make the best cover and play with it to see if it will fit the requirements and work up into a good cover.  I generally make four or five and email them off to people for opinions.  Once people let me know what they like and don’t like, I eliminate until I’m down to THE cover for the book. 
This all takes time and is one of the most time consuming.  It is also one of the most difficult decisions I make when it comes to my books.  Suzanne provides me with some amazing photos and I have a hard time narrowing it down to just one.  There are a multitude of decisions like font style and color, placement, size, and so on that all affect how the book looks.  Since there are almost limitless options for these decisions I try to be consistent but it still helps me to have other people’s opinions. 
Don’t think I’m indecisive.  I have a good eye for color combinations and other stylistic features but too often I’m just too close to it all.  This is where other people’s opinions help me.  It isn’t just a matter of them choosing cover A or B.  It is a matter of telling me what works and what doesn’t work in the covers. 
Suzanne and my daughters are the four people I trust most but I’ve also asked other people to.  The interesting thing from this is generally one cover stands out as getting a consensus of being the front runner.  For Secret Past, I had opinions from at least a dozen people and they all liked the one cover – the one I went with – the best.
This means my day will consist of cover design, errands, and starting a new crochet project.  It will be a full day but hopefully a productive one.  Finally – the neverending afghan – is DONE!!!

The Frustration of the Neverending Afghan

Last night I worked on Vicki’s afghan.  I made good progress with getting a row and a half done.  I went to start the next row and discovered that I didn’t have enough yarn to complete the row.  This is the one variegated skein I didn’t get over the weekend.  I was all set to keep crocheting but unfortunately I didn’t have the yarn to do it.  I was very annoyed. 

Tonight after work I’ll be stopping to get the skein of yarn.  Hopefully they have the variegated I need to do this one freaking row.  I grumbled at Vicki about it and she said to just skip the color.  However, it would look odd if I just skipped it – it would ruin the whole pattern. 

There I was last night in the mood to work on it and I couldn’t.  The yarn failed me.  In most cases I typically buy extra yarn so I don’t have this problem but with this afghan we didn’t buy extra – probably because the yarn was sort of pricey.  It is beautiful yarn but a little pricey.

Once I have the yarn, I’m hoping to get that row done and start on another of the rows.  I’m to the point in the afghan where I just want it done.  For most normal rectangular afghans if I had five rows left, I would just finish it.  I’m frustrated because I can’t just rush through the end of it to have it done and because I ran out of yarn. 

I’ll have to be patient because there is nothing I can do about it – that doesn’t mean I have to be happy about it.

On the writing front, I’ve been working on editing.  I finished editing a fantasy novel.  I need to get the changes into the computer now.  I also have a poetry book edited.  I’m going to work on production of both of these so I can work on getting them out soon.  Then I will look at the third poetry book and the second fantasy novel.  They both have a lot of editing to go on them. 

With all of these I have to work on artwork / covers as part of the production.  I have wonderful people who help me create beautiful covers.  I’m looking forward to working on these covers and other artwork for the fantasy novels. 

Secret Past

Moon Affirmations  Daily Meditations Using the Moon Phase to Focus Your Energy

Moments in Nature


At some point I’m going to have to cope with negative reviews.  I can only hope I handle them with grace.  However, for now I’ve got two reviews on Secret Past and they are both wonderful and positive! 

These reviews help promote my book.  If someone reads the reviews, they may decide to purchase the book.  This could lead to them looking for more of my work which could then lead to more sales.  Plus it could lead to more reviews – hopefully positive reviews.

I write reviews and try to be as informative as possible so the people who read them understand where I’m coming from and can make an informed decision.  If I list why I don’t like or do like something then the reader of the review can say – hey I know that bugs me about books or that wouldn’t bug me. 

Reviews are key.  It helps to get information out there about the item – whether it is a book or other item.  I know when I look at products I’m influenced by well written and insightful reviews. 

Here is a link to Secret Past on Amazon:

If you’ve read my books, please go out and take a couple minutes to review them on whatever site you purchased them from. 

Here the books I have available:

Secret Past
Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:

Moon Affirmations  Daily Meditations Using the Moon Phase to Focus Your Energy

Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Moments in Nature
Available at Barnes & Nobles:
Available at:
Available on Amazon:

New Posting for Moon Affirmations

I’ve been working on marketing my books.  One of the things I did was a google search on New Age book stores.  This has been slightly successful in that I got two hits with one person requesting a review copy and one person offering to post it on her web site.

It may not seem like a lot but a posting on a web site could offer more traffic to my book.  If the web site has a lot of traffic, then the new item may show up to interest people.  If they like the one book I have, it could lead to them purchasing another of my books.

There are a lot of ifs in there but it is a beginning.  I have to start somewhere with getting my book out there for people to see.  To that end… has added Moon Affirmations to its website.

Thank you, Tara for adding me to your web site!


A good chunk of my day yesterday was spent trying to figure out the order the poems for my next poetry book should go in.  It sounds like a simple task – just choose what order seems to make the most sense.

It isn’t that simple.  For one thing, I’m not always the best judge of my poems.  I tend to be very critical of my own work.  One thing that helps is to hear them out loud.  It helps me hear whether they flow well or not.  That is completely subjective on my part.

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out categories.  Once I separated them into categories, then I had to figure out what order they had to in.  I have favorites.  I always have favorites so it is hard for me to let go of one even if it doesn’t fit.  I like it so much I want to share.  But I have to look at the overall book.  Is this favorite poem of mine going to enhance the book?  If it isn’t then I shouldn’t include it.

I called Vicki to grumble my way through a few decisions.  She is much more objective and being a librarian she can give me a perspective of other books.  Plus she isn’t afraid to tell me I’m wrong.

The order for the next poetry book is set for now.  Sometimes when I’m working with the electronic file I find that oh hey this one actually goes really well with this group rather than the one I’d stuck it in.

In addition to working on the poetry book, I worked on one of my crochet experiments.  I also started a crochet spreadsheet.  I’ve always wanted to have a record of what I’ve crocheted plus Vicki was nagging at me about it so I started a spreadsheet.  She wants me to write a crochet book but I don’t feel I’m in a place where I can do that.  The spreadsheet will help me see how many of my own patterns I’m creating and also get me taking pictures of my projects (hopefully better ones than I normally do).  If I find that I’m making up more of my own projects then I might work on a book.

I could try doing the afghan contest that Herrschner’s has every year.  I’ve thought about it in the past but I don’t like that they get to copyright on the pattern.  However, if I were going to go into writing craft books, it would be a good credit to add to my portfolio, especially if I won.

It is summer and if you are looking for some good books to read check out mine:

Secret Past – a romance novel full of adventure, mystery, and romance
Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:

Moon Affirmations – Daily Meditations Using the Moon Phase to Focus Your Energy
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:

Moments in Nature – poems inspired by the power and awe of the nature around us
Available at Barnes & Nobles:
Available at:
Available on Amazon:

Halfway through the Year

It just dawned on me that we are halfway through the year.  My first six months of 2014 have been incredibly busy with writing, family, and work. 

In January, I was disappointed I didn’t get the grant I’d tried for.  I was very disappointed to the point where I thought I’d never have the time or ability to publish my work.  The year started rough for me in other ways too.  Vicki injured her shoulder so I spent a lot of time helping her. 

Between these two things, I thought I would delay more of my writing activities.  I thought it would be the end of the year before I would have any progress at all towards publishing. 

Here we are though halfway through the year and I’ve managed to help Vicki get better and publish three books.  It astounds me that I’ve accomplished so much. 

At the same time, I’m not just sitting back and waiting for the money to roll in – because it won’t.  I’ve been very busy working on marketing material, contacting independent book stores, and doing research on marketing.  I’ve also been editing one book with a second one in the lineup.  I also have two more poetry books I’d like to get out there.  Plus I have two short story books I’d like to compile. 

My daughter also reminded me to go out and google my name to see who was using my material.  I did and contacted several people to have them remove copyrighted material from their web site.  I had a discussion with one gentleman about whether his taking my picture and material and linking to the original site of the material was an infringement of copyright.  Needless to say we did not agree. 

On the plus side I found a very nice site that talked about my article on Dutch Ovens ( in a very complimentary way.  I was surprised and pleased by his glowing review. 

I graduated college in December, turned 50 in February, and will be celebrating 33 years with my husband this month.  I have to keep reminding myself that I’m progressing in the right direction and some things just progress at a slower rate than I would like. 

Overall, I’d say the first half of my year has been pretty good.  It has had some rough patches but the high points out shine the low ones.  Wonder what kind of mischief I can get up to in the second half of the year?

Secret Past:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:

Moon Affirmations:
Available for sale at:
Available on Amazon:
Available on Barnes and Nobles:

Moments in Nature:
Available at Barnes & Nobles:
Available at:
Available on Amazon:

A View from the Recliner

It is difficult to be limited in what I can physically do.  However, I’m trying to be productive with my time.  Research and marketing have been top of my list while I’m laid up.

To this end, I spent a chunk of yesterday researching new age bookstores for Moon Affirmations and emailing a number of them to introduce my book.  Whether it will produce any sales only time will tell.  Next for me is to see what a good place to market to for the romance novel and the poetry book.

Great news for Moments in Nature – it is now available on Barnes and Noble.  Also Smashwords has connected with two more channels of distribution.  One of which is to get into libraries which are great users of ebooks.

Aside from book stuff, I’ve been crocheting.  I’m done with baby gifts and am now working on sponges.  I’ve had three requests for sponges so I’m working with my left over crochet cotton to make sponges for these three people.  After the sponges though, I’ll probably go back to working on the afghan I’ve got started.  I have three more afghans to make after this before I start looking at other bigger projects to take on.

While crocheting, I watch tv.  I finished MI5 and have moved on to other things.  I watched a movie about World War II called The Couple.  It was interesting.  Then I watched a PBS series called Heat of the Sun which takes place in the 30s in Kenya.  That was pretty good.  Finally last night I started season 1 of Grimm.  I watched two episodes and it was okay.  It seems a bit darker than I normally like but I’ll watch at least a couple more episodes before I give up on it.

My days seem really short because I’ve been sleeping in.  This is great for my sleep level but tomorrow when I am back at work and can’t sleep in this could be bad.  Hopefully it won’t be a problem.  I’ll be glad to go back to work and catch up.  It will be nice to have a different view than the one from my recliner.